Sunday, September 19, 2010

Ataturk Mausoleum

Mustafa Kemal was the first president of Turkey. Known after 1935 as Ataturk i.e Father of the State. Every Turkish school child learns Ataturk 's life story off by heart and on 10 November every year the whole country comes to a standstill on the stroke of 9.05 am for a minute's silence to commemorate his death in 1938.

The Avenue of Lions

The sarcophagus of Ismet Inonu, the second president of Turkey.

The Tomb of Ataturk

In his quest to westernise Turkey, a western styled constitution was adopted, polygamy was abolished, the fez was prohibited and Turkey became a secular state. Previously, Turkish muslims had only one given name but a law was passed that required all Turks to choose a family name.

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